rinkafic Jun 27, 2012 18:20
y_2012 hc 1, lb: porn, hc: loss of voice, y_2012 line bingo, orientation: het, fandom: firefly, 30 days of shipping, size: 500 to 999, rating: nc-17, pairing: mal/inara
rinkafic Jun 27, 2012 17:40
y_2012 hc 1, y_2012 line bingo, fandom: botp, orientation: het, hc: blackmail, 30 days of shipping, lb: breakup sex, series: ruining your childhood, size: 1k to 1499, rating: nc-17
rinkafic Jun 27, 2012 16:17
y_2012 hc 1, 100 things, orientation: het, rating: gen, fandom: original fiction, size: 1k to 1499, 30 days of flashfic, hc: disappearing
rinkafic Jun 22, 2012 22:10
y_2012 hc 1, y_2012 db 4, com: scifiland, as: w, as: _lorne/parrish, size: 2k to 4999, sga: sheppard, tt: fur vs fang, rating: pg, pairing: lorne/parrish, 10 tropes, hc: fire
rinkafic Jun 22, 2012 17:45
y_2012 hc 1, fandom: stargate atlantis, hc: panic attacks, y_2012 db 4, tt: vacation episode, rating: gen, pairing: sheppard/mckay, orientation: gen, size: 500 to 999, 10 tropes, db: heat stroke
rinkafic Jun 22, 2012 00:41
rating: gen, fandom: classic movie, lb: unbreak my heart, 10 tropes, pairing: lorne/parrish, tt: the multiverse, y_2012 hc 1, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: crossover, hc: caught in a robber, y_2012 db 4, 30 days of shipping, y_2012 lb postage, size: 2k to 4999, lb: can you feel, lb: heavenly love, warning: mostly!dead!characters, lb: till death, db: nightmares, orientation: slash
rinkafic Jun 19, 2012 18:40
y_2012 hc 1, y_2012 db 4, hc: tyranny/rebellion, 30 days of shipping, rating: gen, db: giving up, size: 2k to 4999, tw: jack harkness, lb: test of time, 10 tropes, y_2011 lb 2nd card, tt: i will wait for you, dw: the doctor, fandom: doctor who, orientation: slash
rinkafic Jun 18, 2012 00:53
y_2012 hc 1, rating: r, y_2012 db 4, 30 days of shipping, series: ruining your childhood, hc: restrained, fandom: andy griffith, size: 1k to 1499, db: serial killers, orientation: slash
rinkafic Jun 17, 2012 22:09
y_2012 hc 1, 100 things, db: fued, y_2012 db 4, rating: gen, fandom: original fiction, hc: eating disorders, size: 1k to 1499, 30 days of flashfic
rinkafic Jun 17, 2012 19:02
y_2012 hc 1, 100 things, lb: breakfast in bed, y_2012 db 4, fandom: original fiction, rating: pg, 30 days of flashfic, size: 500 to 999, hc: headaches/migraines, y_2011 lb 2nd card, db: headache/migraine